A+ - Ford and Vesta Warren for hosting the Warren Reunion. If it wasn't for their deep pockets, we all would have been sleeping on the floor in The Pit and eating ramen barbequed by Jack.
B- - For Daniel's dog walking abilities. There were a couple of times that I saw him eating food and socializing with people, but overall he put forth a great effort to be attached to the leash at all times.
A- - Roundhouse buckets of beer. Is there anything you can't do, you wonderful red bucket?
C- - PIB Golf carts. Electric carts don't have enough torque to get 6 people up a hill in a 4 person cart. Gas carts are governered, which is just lame.
On PIB, suave old men try to steal rides on the back of your cart if you are unattentive.
D - Lake Erie fish. You're hungry, just bite the bait.
B- - Mike riding the Scotch Rocket. The grade got boosted because of the offer to race Connie in the mini van
A+ - La La!
F - Alison forgetting her ID so we have to all get more La La in our lives.
F - Children. Your parents are drunk, you should be sleeping.
A+ - My liver. It held up well through 5 straight days of feeding it various forms of ethyl alcohol.
C - For heated discussions on politics. It would have been a higher grade if actual fisticuffs had ensued.
A+ - Brenda's successful dismount from a speeding golf cart and transition into a leisurely jog.
F - Jeff's unsuccessful dismount from a speeding golf cart, taking two steps, falling all over himself and landing in a ditch.
A+ - leniant displays of security by PIB bouncers when presented with nothing more than a yellow sheet of paper as a form of identification. Post It Note sales everywhere are expected to increase in NW Ohio. Im fairly certain that writing one's name on their hand with glitter pens would also pass as a form of identification
F - mosquitoes. I didn't miss you nearly as much as you missed me.
B+ - Jenni Warren. You were late, but you were dressed nice the whole time - making you fashionably late.
D - Prospecting for rare stones on PIB. While it's great to come home with a bag of rocks, those rocks should increase in value, not make daddy's lawn look prettier
Bec's attention has always been easily diverted. ADHD is a cruel condition
F - Byrnwick drive. You used to be cool, with your basketball hoop and your dead end. Now, no one likes you, even if you cut the drive time down.
C- - Sandi's Famous Egg Breakfast. It's all hype, just like the last Spiderman movie, but it didn't give me gas.
A+ - PIB Police. Yeah, my cart backfires, but thanks for not arresting me while carting around too many people in my 4 person cart. The cart wasn't the only thing that was loaded though - tee hee hee.
A+ - Frequent deliveries of home made cookies. Grandpa Mericle made sure that everyone at the Thompson house was good and sugared up, the way kids should be before they go to bed.
C - Cornhole. F*cking bags!!! Get in the F*CKING hole! I hate you.
A+ - The Egner family for making a breif, albeit greatly appreciated trip to visit with the family prior to the trip to PIB.
A- - New Riegel ribs. Extra sloppy. Enough said.
D - Tim Horton's coffee and donuts. Mediocrity is not a way to thrive.
F - Richard Allen. I don't think you really exist.
A+ - Roundhouse buckets of beer. It's so nice, we graded it twice.
B- - Corrine for getting all the kids sick. If some of the adults had shown signs of sickness, you would have had a higher grade.
D- - Greg's golf game. Shooting an 83 doesn't make the cut on tour, and it doesn't make the cut in my grade book either.
A - Molly Warren for being engaged to a fellow who is generally liked by her family. Congratulations.
B - Random dogs on PIB. If your balls were bigger, you would have had a higher grade (gigantic balls not pictured)
not pictured: obscenely large testicles
A+ - Ohio Stadium. Just for being you, you get an A+, Ohio Stadium. You look good. No really, have you lost weight?
F - American Airlines. You suck at your core business, and make your travellers change gates because you don't have your sh*t together. It's amazing you're still in business.
F - Dallas Fort Worth Airport. Only because you're the hub for American Airlines. It's the people you choose to associate with that drag you down. Also, your complete and utter lack of flight schedule monitors within 10 gates of anything usable is absurd. Did you let American Airlines design you?
B- - United Airlines for picking up the slack when American Airlines lets its passengers down.
Overall, this weekend gets a passing grade, but there is still room for improvement. I expect the next family reunion to be just as fun, if not more so.
EDIT: I've added a movie using only my pics, I may edit this later to include more pictures from more family memebers later on (and if they send me their original pics).