Monday, November 24, 2008

"Potential Cure" news

It's generally frustrating hearing news that talks about "potential cures" that use words like "if", "could", "might" and "possibly" so freely.

Dammit, I want cake.

There's a lot of promising research, but for the past 13 years, I've felt strung along by potential cures. It's too easy to become jaded. It's too easy to just break down in tears anytime there's something that holds promise.

When a person has accepted their fate, you build up a wall to words like "cure," in particular when they're loaded up with the word "potential" in front of it. You stop hoping, because you realize this is what your life is.

I just fucking deal, and move on. There's too much life to live, and there are too many beautiful things in the world to enjoy. There is too much fun to be had. There is to much happiness to spread.

Videos like this are both uplifting and soul crushing at the same time. It's such a mix of emotions. For 13 years I've dealt with the highs and lows of diabetes (physiologically, and emotionally). Seeing these videos are such a mix of hope, want, impatience, frustration and tears.

I've held onto these because I didn't know how to post them. There wasn't a technical problem, I just didn't know if I wanted to see them every time I logged into my blog to write up an article.

This first video was amazing. Dr Faustman is such an amazing person and her dedication to her research is highly admirable. I almost hope someone like her finds the cure, because they deserve it for the outstanding commitment to research "The Right Way."

Interview: Type 1 Diabetes Cure Trial from David Edelman on Vimeo.

This second video is a clip from NBC Nightly News. It is considerably less detailed, but the interesting thing is the "potential" (there's that word again) for a cure in humans within a year. I'm not holding my breath.

Sophie, if there is a cure - I'll throw your party. You, me, lots of cake, the biggest fucking tent you've ever seen and ... well... if I can get Johnny Depp, he'll be there too (but I'm apologizing in advance for the rope burns on his wrists and the duct tape residual around his mouth)

(HT: SixUntilMe)

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