Thursday, August 28, 2008

This must be avoided at all costs

The classy fans of the classy school of Michigan have decided that creating a fine fermented beverage with the namesake of their favorite coach was a good idea. This is an excellent example of why critical business decisions should not be made whilst drinking heavily. Those decisions are best left to an eight-ball of cocaine and disco lights.

Click to make larger, then show to your friends for a good laugh

I can only imagine this being similar in flavor to Lake Erie wine, which tastes of concord grape jelly mixed with Barbasol. Also, not entirely dissimilar with being a Michigan fan, the day after partaking excessively - you want to kill yourself.

I certainly hope this isn't the beginning of a trend of Sports Heros meets Alcoholic Beverages. If someone made a bottle of "Woody Hayes Fume Blanc" I would gladly purchase a case of it, and break each and every bottle over the heads of those responsible for dreaming up this idea.

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